



김중한(Kim Joonghan) 프로필 이미지

김중한 교수

Kim Joonghan


물리화학, 양자화학, 계산화학, 광화학


전자구조 분자동역학 반응 메커니즘 원뿔 교차점 계간 교차


김중한 교수는 한양대학교 화학과에서 학사학위를 받았으며, 한국과학기술원 (KAIST) 화학과에서 박사학위를 받았다. 일본 Kyoto University, Fukui Institute for Fundamental Chemistry 에서 박사 후 연구원으로 근무하였고, 2012년 9월부터 가톨릭대학교 화학과에서 근무하고 있다. 수준 높은 양자화학 계산 방법을 사용하여 바닥 상태 및 들뜬 상태의 분자 특성에 대해 연구하고 있으며, 화학 반응 메커니즘을 규명하는 연구를 하고 있다. 또한 원뿔 교차점 및 계간 교차를 포함하는 광화학 반응 메커니즘을 규명하는 연구를 하고 있으며, 이에 대한 비단열 분자 동역학 시뮬레이션을 수행하고 있다. 나노 재료 물질에 대한 반경험적 분자 동역학 시뮬레이션을 수행하여 재료 물질 특성을 밝히는 연구를 하고 있다. 반도체 공정에서 발생하는 온실 가스의 온실 효과 기여도인 Global Warming Potential (GWP)를 이론적으로 계산하는 연구를 수행하고 있으며, 반도체 공정 중 화학 종을 규명하는 플라즈마 시뮬레이션 연구를 수행하고 있다. 



2010.01.11 | 한국과학기술원 | 화학과 | 이학박사


  • 2024.06 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 제160권 22호
    Quantum chemical calculations of electron affinities of alkaline earth metal atoms (Ca, Sr, Ba, and Ra)
  • 2024.04 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 제146권 16호, pp.11440-11449
    Phosphorus-Ligand Redox Cooperative Catalysis: Unraveling Four-Electron Dioxygen Reduction Pathways and Reactive Intermediates
  • 2023.12 | 공동저자 | ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, 제6권 24호, pp.12503-12514
    Single and Double Alkoxybenzothiadiazole-Dithienosilole-Based Nonfused Ring Electron Acceptors for Organic Solar Cells
    Increasing Chemical Diversity of B<inf>2</inf>N<inf>2</inf> Anthracene Derivatives by Introducing Continuous Multiple Boron-Nitrogen Units
  • 2023.07 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제127권 28호, pp.5815-5822
    Do Planar Tetracoordinate Fluorine Atoms Exist? Revisiting a Theoretical Prediction
  • 2023.07 | 제1저자 | CHEMPHYSCHEM, 제24권 13호
    Photochemical Reaction Mechanism of Intramolecular H Transfer Reaction of H<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub>O<SUP>+•</SUP> Radical Cation
  • 2023.07 | 교신저자 | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 제25권 26호, pp.17230-17237
    Ultrafast photoisomerization mechanism of azaborine revealed by nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations
  • 2023.04 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 제158권 15호
    High level <i>ab initio</i> and density functional study of TeF<sub>6</sub><SUP>+</SUP> and TeCl<sub>6</sub><SUP>+</SUP>: Attainability of+7 oxidation state for tellurium
  • 2023.03 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, pp.3103-3110
    Extracting Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Molecules without Heavy Atoms via Time-Resolved Solvent Scattering Signals
  • 2022.11 | 공동저자 | NANOMATERIALS, 제12권 21호
    Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Device with a Novel Deep-Blue Emitter of a Donor–Acceptor Type, with ZnO Nanoparticles for Solution-Processed OLEDs
  • 2022.10 | 공동저자 | POLYMER, 제257권
    Efficient ternary organic solar cells with BT-rhodanine-based nonfullerene acceptors in a PM6:Y6-BO blend
  • 2022.07 | 교신저자 | Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 제43권 7호, pp.955-965
    Theoretical study on molecular properties of SbXn (X = F and Cl, n=1-5) and SbXn- (X = F and Cl, n=1-6) including spin-orbit coupling
  • 2022.06 | 공동저자 | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 제58권 53호, pp.7380-7383
    Photoactivation of triosmium dodecacarbonyl at 400 nm probed with time-resolved X-ray liquidography
  • 2021.11 | 교신저자 | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 제57권 91호, pp.12147-12150
    PN-Doped tetraphenylnaphthalene: a straightforward synthetic strategy analogous to BN-annulation
  • 2021.09 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 제143권 35호, pp.14261-14273
    Optical Kerr Effect of Liquid Acetonitrile Probed by Femtosecond Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography
  • 2021.08 | 공동저자 | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 제12권 1호
    Filming ultrafast roaming-mediated isomerization of bismuth triiodide in solution
  • 2021.07 | 공동저자 | POLYMER, 제228권
    Effect of extending fluorinated thiophene pi-bridges of BDT- and TT-based polymers for nonfullerene organic solar cells
  • 2021.06 | 제1저자 | MOLECULAR PHYSICS
    Multireference configuration interaction and coupled cluster study of Gold monosulfide (AuS) including spin–orbit coupling
  • 2021.02 | 공동저자 | CHEMICAL SCIENCE, 제12권 6호, pp.2114-2120
    Ultrafast structural dynamics of in-cage isomerization of diiodomethane in solution
  • 2020.10 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 제124권 42호, pp.22993-23003
    Molecular-Level Understanding of Excited States of N-Annulated Rylene Dye for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
    Quantum chemical study of molecular properties of AsXn (X = F and Cl, n=1-5) and AsXn- (X = F and Cl, n=1-6)
    High electroluminescence efficiency and long device lifetime of a fluorescent green-light emitter using aggregation-induced emission
  • 2020.06 | 공동저자 | NATURE, 제582권 7813호, pp.520-524
    Mapping the emergence of molecular vibrations mediating bond formation
  • 2019.12 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 제7권 46호, pp.14709-14716
    Highly efficient dual-core derivatives with EQEs as high as 8.38% at high brightness for OLED blue emitters
  • 2019.08 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제123권 33호, pp.7246-7254
    Theoretical Investigation of Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer and Photoisomerization of 2-(Iminomethyl)phenol
    Electronic and Structural Dynamics of Dicyanoaurate Trimer in Excited State
  • 2019.07 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 제150권 22호
    Fate of transient isomer of CH2I2: Mechanism and origin of ionic photoproducts formation unveiled by time-resolved x-ray liquidography
  • 2019.05 | 교신저자 | COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, 제1156권, pp.12-19
    TDDFT investigation of electronic and optical properties of diaryl-substituted naphtho[1,2-d:5,6-d′]bis-(oxaphosphole) compounds
  • 2019.01 | 교신저자 | MOLECULAR PHYSICS, 제117권 2호, pp.241-250
    Density functional and ab initio study of samarium dihalides, SmX2 (X = I, Br, and Cl)
  • 2018.05 | 교신저자 | MOLECULAR PHYSICS, 제116권 12호, pp.1581-1588
    Effect of phosphorus on the electronic and optical properties of naphthoxaphospholes: theoretical investigation
  • 2018.04 | 교신저자 | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 제698권, pp.72-76
    Unusually high stability of B<inf>12</inf>(BO)<inf>12</inf><sup>2−</sup>achieved by boronyl ligand manipulation: Theoretical investigation
  • 2018.04 | 교신저자 | Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 제39권 4호, pp.427-434
    TDDFT and MS-CASPT2 Study of the Excited States of Para-Methoxymethylcinnamate
  • 2018.03 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 제56권 6호, pp.653-660
    Synthesis and characterization of highly conjugated side-group-substituted benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b]dithiophene-based copolymer for use in organic solar cells
  • 2018.02 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 제9권 3호, pp.647-653
    Direct Observation of a Transiently Formed Isomer during Iodoform Photolysis in Solution by Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography
  • 2017.12 | 공동저자 | RSC ADVANCES, 제7권 88호, pp.55582-55593
    Achieving a high-efficiency dual-core chromophore for emission of blue light by testing different side groups and substitution positions
  • 2017.09 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제121권 35호, pp.6531-6537
    Mechanistic Investigation of Thermal and Photoreactions between Boron and Silane
  • 2017.05 | 교신저자 | COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, 제1108권, pp.23-28
    Theoretical investigation of the molecular properties of PtBO and PdBO
  • 2017.05 | 교신저자 | DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 제46권 18호, pp.6013-6023
    Hierarchical BiOI nanostructures supported on a metal organic framework as efficient photocatalysts for degradation of organic pollutants in water
  • 2017.03 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제121권 12호, pp.2410-2419
    Benchmark Study of Density Functional Theory for Neutral Gold Clusters, Au-n (n=2-8)
  • 2017.03 | 교신저자 | CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 제485-486권, pp.60-66
    Density functional and ab initio investigation of S<inf>2</inf>N<inf>2</inf> and (SN)<inf>2</inf>
    Spin-orbit ab initio and density functional theory investigation of bismuth monoboronyl, BiBO
  • 2017.01 | 교신저자 | THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS, 제136권 1호
    Reaction mechanism of cyanoethynyl radical (C<inf>3</inf>N) with ethylene (C<inf>2</inf>H<inf>4</inf>) to form C<inf>5</inf>H<inf>3</inf>N and H: a theoretical investigation
  • 2016.11 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제120권 46호, pp.9198-9202
    Ab Initio Investigation of the Ground States of F2P(S)N, F2PNS, and F2PSN
  • 2016.09 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제120권 38호, pp.7496-7502
    Spin-Orbit Effect on the Molecular Properties of TeXn (X = F, CI, Br, and I; n=1, 2, and 4): A Density Functional Theory and Ab Initio Study
  • 2016.05 | 교신저자 | THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS, 제135권 5호
    Ground and low-lying excited states of PtCN and PdCN: theoretical investigation including spin–orbit coupling
  • 2016.04 | 교신저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, 제116권 7호, pp.547-554
    Reactivity of molecular oxygen with aluminum clusters: Density functional and Ab Initio molecular dynamics simulation study
  • 2016.04 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제120권 13호, pp.2128-2134
    Performance of Density Functional Theory and Relativistic Effective Core Potential for Ru-Based Organometallic Complexes
  • 2016.01 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 제4권 14호, pp.2784-2792
    Excimer emission based on the control of molecular structure and intermolecular interactions
  • 2016.01 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 제4권 17호, pp.3833-3842
    Highly efficient emitters of ultra-deep-blue light made from chrysene chromophores
  • 2015.12 | 교신저자 | Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 제36권 12호, pp.2801-2809
    High-Level Ab Initio Calculations of Molecular Properties of Chromium Monocarbonyl, CrCO
  • 2015.09 | 공동저자 | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 제17권 36호, pp.23298-23302
    Identifying the major intermediate species by combining time-resolved X-ray solution scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
    Synthesis and detailed spectroscopic characterization of various hydroxy-functionalized fluorescent chalcones: A combined experimental and theoretical study
  • 2015.06 | 제1저자 | CHEMPHYSCHEM, 제16권 8호, pp.1670-1675
    "Theoretical Investigation of the Reaction Mechanism of the Photoisomerization of 1,2-Dihydro-1,2-azaborine"
  • 2015.04 | 교신저자 | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 제17권 14호, pp.8633-8637
    Solvent-dependent structure of molecular iodine probed by picosecond X-ray solution scattering
  • 2015.02 | 공동저자 | NATURE, 제518권 7539호, pp.385-389
    Direct observation of bond formation in solution with femtosecond X-ray scattering
  • 2015.01 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 제6권 2호, pp.244-249
    Ab Initio Analysis of Auger-Assisted Electron Transfer
  • 2014.11 | 교신저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, 제114권 21호, pp.1466-1471
    Density functional and multiconfigurational ab initio study of the ground and excited states of Os2
  • 2014.10 | 공동저자 | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 제50권 91호, pp.14145-14148
    Excimer formation in organic emitter films associated with a molecular orientation promoted by steric hindrance
  • 2014.06 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 제2권 24호, pp.4737-4747
    Synthesis and electroluminescence properties of highly efficient dual core chromophores with side groups for blue emission
  • 2014.04 | 공동저자 | NATURE CHEMISTRY, 제6권, pp.259-260
    Reply to 'Contradictions in X-ray structures of intermediates in the photocycle of photoactive yellow protein'
  • 2014.01 | 교신저자 | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 제592권 0호, pp.24-29
    Density functional and multireference ab initio study of the ground and excited states of Ru2
  • 2014.01 | 공동저자 | MACROMOLECULES, 제47권 1호, pp.97-105
    Highly Conjugated Side-Chain-Substituted Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b ']dithiophene-Based Conjugated Polymers for Use in Polymer Solar Cells
  • 2013.11 | 공동저자 | CHEMPHYSCHEM, 제14권 16호, pp.3687-3697
    Global reaction pathways in the photodissociation of I3 - ions in solution at 267 and 400 nm studied by picosecond X-ray liquidography
  • 2013.10 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 제4권 19호, pp.3345-3350
    Prospect of retrieving vibrational wave function by single-object scattering sampling
  • 2013.09 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제117권 38호, pp.9293-9303
    Density functional theory assessment of molecular structures and energies of neutral and anionic Aln (n = 2-10) clusters
  • 2013.05 | 교신저자 | BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 제34권 5호, pp.1551-1554
    Theoretical Investigation of the Reaction of Ce+ with Water in the Gas Phase: Density Functional Theory Calculations
  • 2013.05 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제117권 18호, pp.3861-3868
    Multireference Ab initio study of the ground and low-lying excited states of Cr(CO)2 and Cr(CO)3
  • 2013.04 | 공동저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 제110권 16호, pp.0-0
    Solvent-dependent molecular structure of ionic species directly measured by ultrafast x-ray solution scattering
  • 2013.03 | 공동저자 | NATURE CHEMISTRY, 제5권 3호, pp.212-220
    Volume-conserving trans-cis isomerization pathways in photoactive yellow protein visualized by picosecond X-ray crystallography
  • 2013.02 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION, 제9권 2호, pp.1087-1092
    Strong spin-orbit coupling facilitates C-H activation in the reactions of Os+ with CH3F: Theoretical investigations
  • 2012.06 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 제134권 22호, pp.9311-9319
    Dynamics of Local Chirality during SWCNT Growth: Armchair versus Zigzag Nanotubes
  • 2012.04 | 교신저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, 제112권, pp.1913-1925
    Theoretical study on the reaction of butadiynyl radical (C4H) with ethylene (C2H4) to form C6H4 and H
  • 2012.03 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제116권 11호, pp.2713-2722
    Structural Dynamics of 1,2-Diiodoethane in Cyclohexane Probed by Picosecond X-ray Liquidography
  • 2011.10 | 제1저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 제107권 17호
    Determination of Local Chirality in Irregular Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Based on Individual Hexagons
  • 2011.06 | 제1저자 | THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS, 제129권 3-5호, pp.343-347
    Spin-orbit ab initio study of two low-lying states of chloroiodomethane cation
  • 2011.02 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제115권 7호, pp.1264-1271
    Density Functional and Spin-Orbit Ab Initio Study of CF3Br: Molecular Properties and Electronic Curve Crossing
  • 2010.10 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 제133권 14호
    Spin-orbit density functional and ab initio study of HgXn (X=F, Cl, Br, and I; n=1, 2, and 4)
  • 2010.06 | 공동저자 | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 제12권 37호, pp.11536-11547
    Photochemistry of HgBr2 in methanol investigated using time-resolved X-ray liquidography
  • 2010.05 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제114권 18호, pp.5630-5639
    Molecular Structures, Energetics, and Electronic Properties of Neutral and Charged Hg-n Clusters (n=2-8)
  • 2010.03 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 제132권 8호, pp.2600-2607
    Ultrafast X-ray Solution Scattering Reveals Different Reaction Pathways in the Photolysis of Triruthenium Dodecacarbonyl (Ru-3(CO)(12)) after Ultraviolet and Visible Excitation
  • 2009.10 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제113권 42호, pp.11382-11389
    Theoretical Study on the Reaction of Ti+ with Acetone and the Role of Intersystem Crossing
  • 2009.10 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제113권 41호, pp.11059-11066
    Density Functional and ab Initio Investigation of CF2ICF2I and CF2CF2I Radicals in Gas and Solution Phases
  • 2008.05 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 제130권 18호, pp.5834-5834
    Capturing transient structures in the elimination reaction of haloalkane in solution by transient X-ray diffraction
  • 2008.01 | 공동저자 | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 제47권 6호, pp.1047-1050
    Transient X-ray diffraction reveals global and major reaction pathways for the photolysis of iodoform in solution
  • 2007.05 | 제1저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제111권, pp.4697-4710
    Density functional and ab initio study of Cr(CO)(n) (n=1-6) complexes
  • 2007.02 | 제1저자 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, 제107권, pp.458-463
    Density functional and ab initio studies on structures and energies of the ground state of CrCO
  • 2006.09 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제110권, pp.11178-11187
    Structure of the photodissociation products of CCl4, CBr4, and CI4 in solution studied by DFT and ab initio calculations
    Spatiotemporal reaction kinetics of an ultrafast photoreaction pathway visualized by time-resolved liquid x-ray diffraction
  • 2005.11 | 공동저자 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 제109권, pp.10451-10458
    Photodissociation reaction of 1,2-diiodoethane in solution: A theoretical and X-ray diffraction study